Start-up Funding

Kick starting your idea to reality will quite often require some initial funding. As a start-up you have a number of finance options available to you including; grants, support from business angels, start-up loans and alternatives types of finance through peer to peer lenders or even crowd funding.


Business Finance for start-ups and early stage businesses

Better Business Finance

Better Business Finance UK provides access to finance providers across the UK

Innovate UK

Innovate UK provides grant funding and innovation loans to support innovative UK businesses to realise the potential of new technologies, develop ideas and make them a commercial success.

Hertfordshire Start-up Programme

 The Hertfordshire Start-up Programme provides match-funded grants of £500 to £3,000 to support businesses.

British Business Bank

British Business Bank provides start-up loans for new businesses to begin trading.

Low Carbon Innovation Fund 2

Grants of up to £5,000, to support SMEs make a positive impact on greenhouse gas reduction through the development of innovative technologies, products or services.

Low Carbon Workspaces – Hertfordshire

Low Carbon Workspaces offers small and medium-sized businesses in Hertfordshire grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to cover up to a third of the cost of making energy improvements.

Business Rates Relief

Check to see if your business is entitled to any Reliefs and Exemptions.

Angel Investment Network

Connecting UK Entrepreneurs with Start-Up Capital.


Start up funding guide. 

Funding Circle

Funding Circle Business Loans to support small businesses.

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