Stevenage has a population of 88,100 (ONS Population estimates 2020) and is projected to grow to 99,300 by 2041, an increase of 11,200.
It has access to over an 8m+ highly skilled workforce within 1 hour travel time, supporting talent from London and neighbouring areas.
Stevenage’s population is fairly young, with over 63% of its population at working age (16-64).
Stevenage has access to 200,000+ students/university graduates within 70 miles and across the Golden Triangle between Oxford, Cambridge and London. This includes 4 of the World top 10 ranked universities, supporting world class research and education to meet global challenges.
- 86.3% of Stevenage’s population is economically active. ONS 2020
- 81.5% Stevenage residents aged 16-64 are in employment. ONS 2020 This continues at a steady rate and the town has one of the highest employment rates in the country. Stevenage saw a 3,100 increase in the employment rate between 2019 and 2020.
- The Professional, Scientific and Technical sector has a significant presence in Stevenage’s ‘Science corridor’ with the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills. Stevenage is home to GSK’s global R&D facility, as well as Stevenage Biosciences Catalyst, the UK’s leading open innovation campus and the Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing Centre, placing Stevenage and the UK as a world leader.
- In 2020, 6,000 of all Stevenage jobs were supported within this sector. Furthermore, Stevenage saw an increase of 1,500 jobs in the sector in just over a year. ONS Bres 2019. The increase in jobs within this sector reflects the growth and ambition for the sector to support Stevenage and UKs global ambitions as a world leader in science and innovation.
- 53.4% of Stevenage’s working age population is employed within major group 1, with 24.3% of Stevenage’s employed in Professional Occupations. The number of unique job postings continues to rise for Stevenage and wider business community continue to provide new job and training opportunities.
- The number of unique job postings continues to rise for Stevenage and wider business community continue to provide new job and training opportunities.
- Stevenage is set for future growth, with a 20 year regeneration programme in the town centre and wider development across the town. This will result in a rise in wider employment opportunities for residents, alongside continuing investment and in turn accelerate further opportunities for those investing in the town.
Skills and qualifications
Stevenage has a highly skilled and flexible workforce supporting its world class global economy. Over half of Stevenage’s working age residents are qualified to degree level or above in comparison to the GB figure 43%. Stevenage’s figure has risen by 9% from the previous year, in recognition that higher skills are required to support the towns’ high value employers and its highly entrepreneurial and enterprising culture. 82% of Stevenage residents are educated to NVQ Level 2 and above.
Stevenage has a highly innovative economy with technical skills in IT, electronics, Engineering and manufacturing and this is recognised by the employee jobs in the town.
Both the University of Herts and North Herts college, work collaboratively with businesses to offer a wide range of programmes and courses to support Stevenage’s Knowledge Economy and ensure a highly skilled workforce.
- Level 4 (degree or equivalent)
Stevenage 50.1%
Hertfordshire 47%
East 39.2%
Great Britain 43.1%
- Level 3 (A Level and equivalent)
Stevenage 65%
Hertfordshire 61.9%
East 57.6%
Great Britain 61.4%
ONS Annual Population Survey Jan 2020 – Dec 2020
Earnings - Grossly Weekly Pay 2020
Living in |
Working in |
Great Britain
Top employment sectors
Stevenage |
Hertfordshire |
East |
Great Britain |
Human Health & Social Work Activities
Wholesale & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
Professional, Scientific & Technical Activities
Admin & Support Services
ONS Business Register and Employment Survey 2019