Networking opens a huge number of benefits to you as a business owner. Strengthen your business connections with like-minded peers, raise your profile, receive fresh new ideas and input in your business, gain more knowledge and access new opportunities to boost your business from the array of business networks available to you.
Tech Nation
Tech Nation provides a number of networks to support entrepreneurs with ambitious plans to build and scale up their business. This includes connected with likeminded entrepreneurs through the UK, as well learning and support for your entrepreneurial journey.
Business network for SME business owners, entrepreneurs, senior executives and professionals in Herts, Beds and Bucks
Business Buzz
Local networking group providing opportunities to meet, connect and grow your business.
Social Enterprise East of England
Social Enterprise East of England is the membership organisation for social enterprises.
Women in Business Network
Membership organisation for women to support collaboration, share opportunities and support business growth.
Social Enterprise UK
Largest network of UK Social Enterprises supporting to raise awareness and grow social enterprises.
SG1 Business Club
Business Breakfast Club for businesses in Stevenage and surrounding area.